Description An exciting opportunity to acquire an agricultural barn under Class Q permitted development rights and with planning permission for the conversion for two semi-detached two storey barn conversions. Each will enjoy their own parking and gardens and stand in a rural setting set slightly back from the road within this highly desirable village.
AbouttheArea Great Maplestead, which in the past has been awarded "Best Kept Village in Essex," is an undeniably attractive and thriving village with a good community feel. Local amenities include a highly regarded primary school. The nearby market towns of Halstead, Sudbury and Braintree provide further amenities and services, including a mainline service to London Liverpool Street from the latter.
PlanningReference 24/01780/COUPA - "Prior approval for the change of use of agricultural building to a dwellinghouse (Class C3), and for associated operational development - Change of use to 3 No. residential dwellings."
LocalAuthority Braintree District Council
Services Private drainage.
AgentsNotes All covenants, restrictions and planning stipulations can be viewed by using the planning reference quoted above in the planning section of the Braintree District Council website.
ViewingArrangements Strictly by appointment only with a member of the Town & Village team in attendance - please contact the office for further details or to arrange a viewing.
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